“Mentally deranged people are notorious masturbators” and other Jehovah’s Witness quotes about masturbation.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are for some reason extremely obsessed with masturbation and homosexuals. So much so that they have published dozens of statements that masturbation and homosexuality are linked. In some articles, Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that masturbation leads to homosexuality.

Jehovah’s Witnesses also link masturbation with mental illness, by stating that “mentally deranged people are notorious masturbators” and that “mentally disturbed priests and nuns are chronic masturbators”.

In this article, I look at some of the most blatant quotes and videos published by Jehovah’s Witnesses that awkwardly discuss the extremely personal matter of masturbation and homosexuality.

Masturbation leads to homosexuality

“…the fact that autoeroticism or masturbation is no mere innocent pastime but rather a practice that can lead to homosexual acts… masturbation may make it easier and more tempting for one to engage in mutual masturbation, which is a form of homosexuality.

Watchtower Study Article: “Avoiding the Snare of Homosexuality” w70 5/15 p. 315-316
“…erosion of moral standards could pose a danger or threat for God’s holy people… congregations were alerted and wrongdoers were cleaned out… unclean practices, such as masturbation, which can be a steppingstone to homosexuality, have been dealt with in a serious, yet understanding, way.

Watchtower Study Article: “You Must Be Holy Because Jehovah Is Holy” w76 2/15 pp. 119-125
the masturbator pays a mental penalty. The habitual practice cripples his social and emotional development, hinders his attaining a healthful outlook and attitude toward the other sex and toward people in general. It can ‘turn the person inward’ upon himself, making him introverted. Or it can, and frequently does, lead into homosexuality, in which the person, not satisfied with his lonely sexual activity, seeks a partner for mutual sex play.”

Watchtower Study Article: “Breaking Free of Self-Abuse” w73 9/15 p. 566
Weakly giving in to sexual desires by masturbation will certainly not give you strength when faced with a situation tempting you to commit fornication​—or even homosexuality… In fact, masturbation can lead into homosexuality. In such instances the person, not satisfied with his lonely sexual activity, seeks a partner for mutual sex play.”

Study Article: Your Youth, “Masturbation and Homosexuality”

“Masturbators” described as Mentally deranged, disturbed, self-centered, and corrupted in mind.

mentally deranged people are notorious masturbators. Somewhat similarly, The Bremerton Sun (Washington) states that many mentally disturbed priests and nuns are chronic masturbators.

Watchtower Study Article: “Breaking Free of Self-Abuse” w73 9/15 p. 566
“A spiritually unhealthy habit, masturbation instills attitudes that foster self-centeredness and corrupt the mind…”

Keep Yourselves in God’s Love, “Gain the Victory Over Masturbation”


Young Sandy was struggling with the problem of masturbation. She says: “Praying and calling on Jehovah helps me because I know that after I ask him to help me not to masturbate, I’d better not do it.”

Awake Study Article: “Does God Answer My Prayers?” g92 9/22 p. 16
“Getting married can help a person to avoid letting passion lead him to such a practice as masturbation or to sexual immorality.”

Watchtower Study Article: “Marriage—Its Origin and Purpose” w16 August p. 12

7 Replies to ““Mentally deranged people are notorious masturbators” and other Jehovah’s Witness quotes about masturbation.”

  1. Lol! I’ll pipe in to say i think this is the first time I’ve heard the phrase ‘notorious masturbator’, anywhere. You said this in print tho? I don’t doubt you but I do want to read it lol.

    It’s almost like saying ‘overweight people are notorious Big Mac eaters’ And having that line actually published somewhere.

    1. “mentally deranged people are notorious masturbators. Somewhat similarly, The Bremerton Sun (Washington) states that many mentally disturbed priests and nuns are chronic masturbators.

      Watchtower Study Article: “Breaking Free of Self-Abuse” w73 9/15 p. 566

      More in the article, enjoy!

      1. Notorious AND chronic ! 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for reference.

        I’ve heard of notorious criminals, notorious murderers, chronic alcoholics and chronic drug users. Chronic diabetes…

        Never a thing about masturbating. Because well, its… just….. stupid.

  2. Because sex without consequences cuts into their power. This is common with HDOs and fundamentalist versions of religion.

    This is why many of them are also anti birth control. If you risk pregnancy every time you have sex, then you better toe the line, get married, and only have sec to make new followers.

    Sex between consenting and thoughtful partners can bind them together and reduce the influence of the religious leaders. The religious can’t have that. Sex is limited and controlled, even among married heterosexual partners.

    Masturbation and homosexuality are pleasure without consequences. If there are no consequences, the leaders lose one of their methods of control

  3. I read the “every homosexual is a latent heterosexual.” part, did some research, that article they quoted from is from 1973…. I’m not sure how old the article is, but that goes to show how flawed their research is.

  4. Im bisexual and when I was younger I engaged in “self-abuse” with every object I could get my sinful hands on. Clearly it turned me gay. Im so turned around inside that I can’t understand how mentally deranged I am. I should obviously put down the vibrator, stop checking out girls butts and resume refusing life saving treatments stat. That’s certainly sound behavior.

  5. Knorr was obsessed with this issue. He was single-handedly responsible for more illicit fucking and pillow-humping than anyone else in the history of this cult.

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