Five Scary Core Beliefs of the Jehovah’s Witness

In my experience during my time as a Jehovah’s Witness, a lot of the group’s beliefs were quite well known by the general population. In short, Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Armageddon is around the corner, where all the wicked will be destroyed, followed by the beginning of a “paradise earth” under the rule of their…

Jehovah’s Witnesses Property Sales

Year: Description: Country: Location: Selling Price: Link: 2004 733,000-square-foot headquarters complex USA 360 Furman Street $205,000,000.00 2006 76-unit building on Livingston Street USA 67 Livingston Street $18,600,000.00 2006 USA 89 Hicks Street $14,000,000.00 2007 Standish Arms hotel in Brooklyn Heights USA 169 Columbia Heights $50,000,000.00 2011 USA 50 Orange Street $7,100,000.00 2012 USA…

Wat Gebeur Wanneer Jy die Jehovah se Getuies Verlaat?

Baie mense is bewus van die Jehovah se Getuies, maar baie min mense weet meer as dat hulle predekingswerk van deur tot deur doen nie. Nie baie mense, insluitend huidige lede, is bewus van wat gebeur as jy die organisasie probeer verlaat nie. Amptelik gepubliseerde inligting oor die onderwerp is baie skaars, maar ek sal…

What Happens When You Leave the Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Many people are aware of the Jehovah’s Witnesses but know little more than the fact that they have a door to door preaching ministry. Not many people, including current members, are aware of what happens when you try to leave the group. Officially published information on the topic is scarce, but I will reference as…