Mentally Deranged People Are Notorious Masturbators, according to Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses have published numerous statements that link masturbation and homosexuality. In some articles, they teach that masturbation leads to homosexuality. Additionally, they link masturbation with mental illness, stating that “mentally deranged people are notorious masturbators” and “mentally disturbed priests and nuns are chronic masturbators.” Let’s take a look at some of the most blatant…

Apostasy in the Jehovah’s Witnesses

The term “apostate” is commonly used in various religions to refer to someone who renounces their religious or political beliefs. In the case of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the term has a more specific meaning. According to their teachings, an apostate is someone who rejects or abandons the service of the organization. This includes rejecting the…

Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a Cult? [According to “Cult’s Explained” on Netflix]

Cult’s Explained is a 25-minute episode available on Netflix that looks at how cults lure people in and exert control over them. The documentary explains that cults can mean many different things, but the modern definition of a cult has been accepted as groups with authoritarian and charismatic leaders whose members are expected to display absolute…

Wat Gebeur Wanneer Jy die Jehovah se Getuies Verlaat?

Baie mense is bewus van die Jehovah se Getuies, maar baie min mense weet meer as dat hulle predekingswerk van deur tot deur doen nie. Nie baie mense, insluitend huidige lede, is bewus van wat gebeur as jy die organisasie probeer verlaat nie. Amptelik gepubliseerde inligting oor die onderwerp is baie skaars, maar ek sal…

Skryf Jehovah se Getuies familie af?

Jehovah se Getuies verf ‘n trotse prentjie dat hulle pro-familie is en dat hulle ‘n gelukige, gesonde familie lewe geniet. Maar wat gebeur wanneer ‘n geliefde die groep verlaat of uitgeset is? Sal hulle afgeskryf word deur hulle familie? Jehovah se Getuies moet familie lede afskryf as hulle uitgeset is of die organisasie verlaat. Dit…

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses shun family?

Jehovah’s Witnesses proudly paint an image that they are pro-family and that the Jehovah’s Witnesses enjoy a happy and healthy family life. But what happens when a loved one wants to leave the group, or if they get disfellowshipped? Will they get shunned by their very own family members?” Jehovah’s Witnesses must shun family members…

Can Jehovah’s Witnesses go to college?

If you have met many Jehovah’s Witnesses, you may have noticed that very few have a college education. Some have attended Technical School, but very few Jehovah’s Witnesses have degrees from colleges and universities. In fact, Jehovah’s Witnesses have one of the lowest education rates of any religion, with only 12% holding a college degree. Why…

What Happens When You Leave the Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Many people are aware of the Jehovah’s Witnesses but know little more than the fact that they have a door to door preaching ministry. Not many people, including current members, are aware of what happens when you try to leave the group. Officially published information on the topic is scarce, but I will reference as…

BITE Model 1.1 – How the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses “regulate an individual’s physical reality”

This is an elaboration on “Point 1: Regulate an individual’s physical reality” under “Behavior Control” of the BITE Model Analysis. Here we are going to explore how the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses regulates an individual’s physical reality. Click here to go to the main article discussing the Cult BITE Model Analysis. Members are influenced to…